Home / Bus, Shuttles, Taxis and Heliport
The nearest bus stops, dipending on the direction are, Villa Guardia–Macciasca (very near to the Biomedic), or Villa Guardia-via Marconi (distance 900 m 12 min by foot)
To know the bus lines and timetable see web site : www.asfautolinee.it
Car with chauffeur Domenico Cusanna (it’s preferable to reserve 3 days in advance)
– Web site www.cdsautonoleggio.com – Cell. +39 349 160 0430 – Email [email protected]
For patients wishing to arrive with their own helicopter or are interested in using Elitaxi service (helicopter taxi), it is possible to address to the Lurate Civino heliport (4 km 4 min by car from our Center)
– Website www.heliduebi.it – Phone. +39 031 523 900 – Email [email protected]
Coordinate Helisuperfice;
-> 45°45’45” N – 09°00’27” E
-> 45°45’478″ N – 09°00’455″ E
-> frequency 130.00 Mhz
For Elitaxi or other services, an estimate calculated on the distance to cover can be provided.
It is possible to reserve the tranfer from the Heliport to Biomedic with cars like Mercedes Viano, Jaguar Xs and BMW M5 as a courtesy.